Your Account

Set up users in Apple TV Connect

Apple TV Connect is where you can check the status of your content in the Apple TV app. If you are accessing Apple TV Connect for the first time, follow these steps:

  1. Your account will be created by an existing Apple TV Connect user. An email will be sent to verify your email address.
  2. Click through the verification email to Apple TV Connect and create your password. If your email is already associated to an existing Apple Account, you will be asked to log in. If not, you will be prompted to create a new Apple Account.
  3. Agree to the Apple TV Connect Terms of Service by clicking Accept Terms.
  4. Go to the Apple TV Connect homepage.

Add new users to Apple TV Connect

Any user with an Admin role can create new users.

  1. Go to the Account tab and click the Add (+) button.
  2. Enter the user’s name and email address.
  3. Assign a role and then select the user’s country access. You will be able to change a user’s role or access at any time.
  4. Click Send and an email invitation will go to the user.
  5. After the user accepts the invitation, they can opt in to receive notifications about summaries of issues or missing high-priority items.

Remove users from Apple TV Connect

To remove a user you must have the Admin role.

  1. Go to the Account tab and click Edit.
  2. Select the user or users you want to remove.
  3. Click Remove Users and confirm the removal.

User roles in Apple TV Connect

You can assign various roles to users on your account. Apple TV Connect has five types of roles with different permissions that determine which features users can access.

Be advised that some roles may not be relevant to your work in Apple TV Connect; for example, Encoder is relevant to Apple TV Channels partners only, and Brand Page Manager should be assigned only if you are onboarded for Programming.

Task Admin Brand Page Manager Status Encoder Read Only
Manage users and roles
View assets and issues in Component Status Read only
View issues in Availability Read only
Publish and edit content in Programming Read only