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Troubleshoot artwork issues

The Apple TV app features engaging artwork that looks great on every device. If you are updating artwork, providing localized artwork, or delivering brand-new artwork assets, review these common issues to streamline the submission and review process.

Localizing artwork

Any artwork with text should also have a locale associated with it that represents the language of the text. If you’ve delivered localized cover artwork but don’t see it appearing correctly on the Apple TV app, check the catalog feed. If you are supplying artwork with localized titles, ensure the titles match the localized title elements supplied for the item in the catalog feed.

To inform the language of the artwork supplied in the catalog feed, apply a locale attribute to the artwork element. Locale values should be provided in BCP-47 format, and if multiple locales apply to a single artwork asset, they can be applied to a single artwork element as a comma-separated list in the locales attribute.

<artwork url="" type="cover_artwork_horizontal" locales="en,en-US,en-CA"/>

If you have more than one artwork asset of the same type, but each asset has a different locale, you can supply each artwork asset as its own artwork element with a different locale:

<artwork url="" type="cover_artwork_horizontal" locales="en-CA"/>
<artwork url="" type="cover_artwork_horizontal" locales="fr-CA"/>

Missing locales will be presumed to be non-localized artwork applicable worldwide. If a content item has multiple artwork assets with different locales, the Apple TV app will generally display the locale based on the viewer’s device language settings, if available.

Find more information about properly tagging artwork in the artwork element section of the Item Schema Definition.

Updating artwork

If you need to update an image you previously delivered, be sure to change the artwork URL in your catalog feed so the new artwork will display on the Apple TV app. A best practice is to add a timestamp at the end of the URL. If you are still not seeing your update, contact your Apple Technical Partner Representative.

Missing artwork

Make sure you deliver your artwork to spec or it may not be used on the Apple TV app. Artwork should not be upscaled or cropped to fit required dimensions as those changes may affect the quality of the artwork. Do not increase the size of a smaller image to meet the minimum size standard.

Also, ensure that there is an image at the endpoint you are sending in the feed and that the locale is properly tagged if it should be shown in a certain country. 

Previewing artwork

Parallax Previewer is a tool for previewing layered images created for Apple TV. A layered image consists of two to five distinct layers that come together to form a single image. Use Parallax Previewer to test your layered images before submitting to Apple and make sure they appear as expected during the parallax effect.

Download Parallax Previewer

Review the Parallax Previewer Guide