Prepare Content

Asset requirements and delivery

The Apple TV Channels Subscription Video Asset Specification details requirements for delivering Apple TV Channels content. The component and metadata requirements vary by country and region. Be sure to review the Minimum Storefront Requirements as well as regional ratings and regulatory requirements before delivering your content.  

There are multiple technologies supported by Apple TV Channels, including advanced media and accessibility features. Quality is very important at Apple, so your assets must meet our technical specifications. Before delivering assets, we recommend that you perform a quality control check.

Video assets are delivered as an iTunes package, which is a file directory with an .itmsp extension. The .itmsp package must include a metadata.xml file, which describes the assets. The contents of the package are linked to your catalog metadata by a content ID, which is supplied using the umc_content_id tag in the XML file. Catalog and content IDs can’t be changed, so be sure the content IDs are correct and match the item in the catalog metadata feed prior to upload.

Use Transporter, Apple’s command-line tool, once you are ready to deliver your content to Apple.