
September 13, 2023

Vietnam ratings changes

Effective immediately, the ministry responsible for ratings in Vietnam requires that new ratings and advisories be applied to all TV and movie titles available on the Apple TV app. Please begin using the new rating codes below.

Code Rating System Description
P vn-movies Suitable for general viewing
K vn-movies Films eligible for dissemination to viewers under 13 years old provided that they are with their parents or guardians
T13 vn-movies Films eligible for dissemination to viewers 13 years or older
T16 vn-movies Films eligible for dissemination to viewers 16 years or older
T18 vn-movies Films eligible for dissemination to viewers 18 years or older
C vn-movies Films prohibited from disseminating
P vn-tv Suitable for general viewing
K vn-tv TV shows eligible for dissemination to viewers under 13 years old provided that they are with their parents or guardians
T13 vn-tv TV shows eligible for dissemination to viewers 13 years or older
T16 vn-tv TV shows eligible for dissemination to viewers 16 years or older
T18 vn-tv TV shows eligible for dissemination to viewers 18 years or older
C vn-tv TV shows prohibited from disseminating

Discontinued rating codes

Starting January 1, 2024, we will no longer accept the following rating codes. Titles using the old rating codes should be updated to ensure your content is not removed from the Apple TV app. Discontinue using the old ratings below and begin rating content with the new rating codes listed above as soon as possible.

Code Rating System Description
0 vn-movies Suitable for general viewing
16+ vn-movies Restricted to viewers 16 years or older
C13 vn-movies Not suitable for viewers under 13
C16 vn-movies Restricted to viewers 16 years or older
C18 vn-movies Not suitable for viewers under 18
Không cắt cảnh vn-movies Unrated
C13 vn-tv Not suitable for viewers under 13
C16 vn-tv Restricted to viewers 16 years or older
C18 vn-tv Not suitable for viewers under 18

New advisories

When provided by the ministry, please include a valid advisory.

Code Advisory (Vietnamese) Advisory (English)
TH Chủ đề, nội dung Theme and content
VI Bạo lực Violence
NS Khỏa thân, tình dục Nudity and sex
DR Ma túy, chất kích thích, chất gây nghiện Drugs, stimulants, and addictive substances
HO Kinh dị Horror
VL Ngôn ngữ thô tục Vulgar language
DB Hành vi nguy hiểm, dễ bắt chước Dangerous and easily imitable behaviors