
August 25, 2022

Introducing Apple Partner Media Review, Sequence, and Transporter 3.0

Here are a few new tools and a training course to help you manage and deliver your iTunes and Apple TV content.

Apple Partner Media Review

Review iTunes movie and Apple TV Channels assets prior to the date they become available in the Apple TV app with Apple Partner Media Review. This app enables you to also review the status of iTunes Extras and HDR content. Download Apple Partner Media Review on the App Store for Apple TV and review the user guide for more information.

Manage feeds with Sequence

Sequence is an Apple-built web tool that helps you create and maintain catalog and availability XML feeds that comply with UMC specifications for Apple TV Channels and Video App Integrations. Reach out to your Apple Technical Partner Representative to get access and training for Sequence.

Transporter 3.0

Transporter 3.0 is available for download. With this version, Java 1.8 is no longer supported. If your base version of Transporter is directly installed, rather than installed through an automatic update, and is not version 2.0 or higher, you will no longer receive automatic updates beyond version 2.3. To continue access to automatic updates and avoid delivery disruption, directly install Transporter 3.0.

Transporter 3.0 includes the following updates:

  • Percentage completion updates display for MD5 checksum verifications.
  • Status mode includes quality rejection reasons and rejection notes from Apple.
  • New command options identify Apple TV Channels IDs for status and metadata lookup modes. 
  • The -umc_catalog_id, -umc_content_id, and -umc_variant_id options can be used to specify each ID. 
  • Non-ASCII characters are replaced with human-readable characters in the XML output of lookup artist mode by setting the -escapeXML option to false.

See the full list of new Transporter features

Apple TV Training 

The Apple TV training portal offers self-paced, interactive courses to help you deliver video content to Apple. Be sure to check out the new Introduction to Transporter course, which covers the basics of using Transporter, including setup, a review of common modes, and other best practices for using the command-line tool. It takes just 30 minutes to complete.

If you are new to the team or interested in taking the course as a refresher, contact your Apple Technical Partner Representative to get access to the portal.